talisman -


Monday, 30 December 2019


Sing out a greeting ~
Say G’day, hi, hello, how are you ~
Good wishes for all seasons
To you from all the powers of goodwill
And wishes and hopes.
May all good things come to you
Rain, shine, come what each day,
Each season.
May each breeze bring to you and all your folks
Joy and peace.
May harmony play your airways and the pure waters flow.
The earth beneath and the heavens above
Bless you kindly.
May you bask on sunlit strands
And sleep with happy dreams on beds of comfort.
May you be safe and well and beloved.
Fill your pockets with the currency of abundance
And your heart with hope.
Original painting on silk by Annie Hill Otness

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Look in the book of love
And you will find
Your name.
Not one being is free from love
That passion is for all that breathe
Walk crawl slide creep or fly
So love like air and water inhabits all
The space of heart and mind.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Cunning cob-kar webs and the clever spinner
Weaves a net of illusion ~
Strong and fine the web encloses the air
And traps the morning light.
Redback waits in the manjat tree for
Pinti-pinti the moth.
Words & original silk painting by Annie Hill Otness

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

The sacred balance of Earth
Wind, water, and fire
Is that harmonious rhythm
Of the universe
And listen to the fish song of fire and air
And the birds afloat
On the water crystals of the earth.
... original words and painting on silk. Annie Hill Otness

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Find in each drop
The ocean of oneness
Each is a particle of all
And every leaf a fragment
Of the universal tree
In every atom is a constellation
There is no all
Only one.

Original painting on silk and words by Annie Hill Otness

Thursday, 10 October 2019

The equilibrium of sun and moon at opposites of the sky
Moonrise  ~ sunset
Sunrise ~ moonset
Half of the heavens a starry night
Half of the celestial sphere
A cloudless vista of the sun.
A place for libra equa-librium.

Original painting on silk and verse
Annie Hill Otness

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

A forest is more than one tree ~
A life is more than one day.
What grows slowly and in secret shadows is precious.
Tread gently on Earth
For she is life and love always.
In the still forest birds are calling out their names;
Remember me – I am Wardung.  I am Djiti-dtjiti
And Marri and Jarrah whisper yes in the stillness. 
Annie Hill Otness:
‘The Songs of silk,’ ori
ginal silk painting and verse.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Skyworks light the sky with joy ~
Waterworks wet the world with hope ~
Earthworks centre the world with strength ~
Fireworks drive the world with power.
One precious universe.
One only Earth beneath your feet is in your hands.

Quilt from 'Songs of Silk,' original painting on silk by AHOz

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

All that you are comes from the Earth
In life I sustain
So in death she takes back.
All that you have, the mother gives to you,
All that she needs her creatures make.
Tread softly, for everything in the world is sacred.
Enjoy with love and care for all gifts

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Enter the labyrinth in peace
and mindfulness
To seek and find the centre.

Depart the labyrinth in mindfulness
and peace
Returning and going on the path

Tread gently for all paths are sacred
To the wayfarer.

Friday, 2 August 2019

I dreamt I heard a rose sing
Its voice was perfume
And its counterpoint was petals.
Its melody was blush of pink
And its rhythm was sharp thorns.
The song was leafy green
And it blew upon the summer wind
And the sky and the sun and moon listened.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

How radiant is the moon
We need the cool near glow to ease the darkness.
The ebb and flow of lunar glow
Restoring faith that light in darkness will return.
The distant stars are brother suns adorn her gown.
Waxing, waning ever changing
Moon reflects the constant light
And by lunar radiance
Makes magic of the night sky.
Bless the moon.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

In Ningaloo there sleeps
The Angel watching the deeps
Above the waterworld in thin air
Lonely clouds watch the bare earth and pray
For all the fishes
Who have no voice for wishes.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019


Now we see beneath the sea
Where life and death proceed finnily
And flowing along
We need wild places for the beauty
of our hearts and minds and souls.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

The spark of the divine in all of us ~
The child who knows the world needs beauty
That we all need joy and hope.
The creation of a new day
And forming good things
From good thoughts.
Be open to the creator within.

Annie Hill Otness

Friday, 28 June 2019

  1. Illumination H
The heart of a woman
Is the beat of the drum of life.
A woman’s heart is the wisdom of the world
Remembering the sound of heartbeats ¬
Knowing forever that the mothers’
Heart is shelter
Her arm is safety
Her breast is love
And the woman’s heartstrings
Resonate to the melody of love.

Sunday, 16 June 2019


That spark gives force to power the life ~
The light that flashes when the path
May enter shadowed ways
And makes the day smile and shine.

Step out with a skip and dance
And when the blood stirs and the sap rises
And all the Earth’s creatures
Launch themselves
In hope and joy upon wings of song,

And hear the vital drumbeat
In the hearts of wayfarers.
The air, the sun, the water’s flow
And the Earth’s own fire
Will make that vital glow abound

Monday, 27 May 2019


Truth is always there ~
The light and flame that dispels the dark
Illuminates the path.
Every step leads to our special truth.
Eternal truth is at the heart of all things
And waits only to be seen.
Truth is not hiding but before us everywhere.
Annie Hill Otness

Friday, 24 May 2019


Resonance ~ the unheard becoming audible ~
The power of silence to be manifest
When the true note sounds.
I resonate to you and lo!
We become together in harmony
With the song of joy.
Our song may be heard only to us alone.
We dance invisible to the world
And unseen spirits sing the tone
That resonates throughout the universe.
What resonates may empower or destroy ~
No wall can withstand
The song of a loving heart.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019


In the centre of the spiral
We swim towards and search for our other selves.
Of many moving fragments we fin together ~
Alike but not the same.
A seemingly endless swim
Of fish in the open sea

At the edge of the abyss.


Monday, 29 April 2019


Who but the father sun enlightens
All and with his heavenly power
Is the force that brings life
to all the world?
Thanks to each and every dawn, wayfarer.

Or is it the mother’s dark vacuum
That must fulfil the force of life,
That light must answer?
Can the life force endure Shadow?
And must music create the silence?
Hail birth

Sunday, 21 April 2019


Dream upon the colours of fire.
The element of immolation
And consummation.
The distant element of sun that greets
Earth as she turns in time.
Bless fire for light and flame of joy.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

talisman - 'anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions.'